Preparing to power tomorrow: 
Renewable generation projects

OPG is investing in many of its existing hydroelectric assets to meet emerging demand as the province continues to electrify. Opportunities include station refurbishments to modernize facility infrastructure, improve existing generating capacity, uncover additional efficiencies, and, in some cases, redevelop an entire site. Some of these projects include environmental assessments (EA) or other regulatory processes.

Projects in planning

Purpose: Upgrades will ensure the station continues generating reliable electricity for another 90 years, while improving public safety and using available water flows more efficiently.

Location: Kaministiquia River, Northwest ON

Units: Four

Capacity: Up to 27 megawatts

See below for details on some of OPG’s Renewable Generation projects that are currently underway, or that underwent the EA process and are now safely creating clean electricity for Ontario’s grid.

DISCLAIMER: Please note these websites were only actively maintained during their related EA process periods. As these processes may have closed several years ago, the content of these websites may not accurately reflect the current date and may include language with incorrect time references.